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Multiple System Organ Failure

Is Mechanical Ventilation a Contributing Factor?


Departments of Medicine and Surgery and the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Few problems facing the intensivist are as frustrating or as difficult to manage as multiple system organ failure (MSOF).

While the precise etiology remains unknown, an integral feature is the development of a rampant systemic inflammatory

response that persists unabated by host control mechanisms.

Either a single massive insult, or a series of less intense insults

(i.e., “two-hits”) appear to be necessary to overwhelm the individuals innate regulatory mechanisms. Often the lung is the

first organ to fail, leading to initiation (or continuation) of

ventilatory support. Although in some patients a precipitating

nidus of infection or inflammation is identifiable, and lung injury is simply the first clinically evident manifestation of a systemic process, there remain a large number of patients in

whom the explanation for progression from respiratory failure

to multiple system organ failure is unclear.

In this Perspective, we explore the hypothesis that mechanical ventilation may play a pivotal (and hereto unrecognized)

role in the initiation and/or propagation of a systemic inflammatory response leading to MSOF in certain patients. We address this issue by examining the following questions: Can

mechanical ventilation initiate or exacerbate lung injury/inflammation? Can lung injury/inflammation lead to systemic

inflammation? Is there evidence of MSOF secondary to mechanical ventilation?



Mechanical ventilation is an indispensable tool for providing

adequate gas exchange and resting respiratory muscles in

many disease states. However, in certain patients with the

acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) or acute lung injury (ALI), the ventilatory strategy required to maintain adequate gas exchange may exacerbate, or even initiate, significant lung injury and inflammation (1, 2). Patients with ALI/

ARDS often have a number of risk factors (e.g., surfactant

dysfunction, underlying lung disease, malnutrition, oxygen

toxicity, infection, age) that not only increase the lungs’ susceptibility to injury by mechanical ventilation, but also impair

the lungs’ ability to repair the damage incurred (3). Furthermore, the atelectasis of dependent lung regions and alveolar

edema that is often present can markedly reduce their aerated

lung capacity (e.g., to as little as 25% of normal) (4). As a result, mechanical ventilation with even modest tidal volumes

(e.g., 10 to 12 ml/kg) may result in overdistention of the remaining aerated lung regions to a level equivalent to that observed if healthy lungs were ventilated with tidal volumes of

40 to 48 ml/kg.

Research in a number of species has shown that mechanical

ventilation can produce lung injury that is functionally and

histologically indistinguishable from that seen in ARDS (2, 5).

The mechanisms of injury include structural disruption due to

either lung overdistension, or to the shear forces generated

during repetitive opening and collapse of atelectatic regions

(1, 2). Mechanical ventilation has also been shown to have

profound effects on the function of both endogenous and exogenous surfactant (6–9) resulting in an increased tendency

for collapse of air spaces (distal airways and alveoli), a need

for higher airway pressures to reopen (and keep open) the

lung, and increased surface tension at the gas–liquid interface

in the alveoli resulting in increased transmural capillary pressure gradients (favoring movement of fluid into the lung).

More recently, mechanical ventilation has also been shown

to have significant effects on lung levels of inflammatory cells

and soluble mediators. In saline-lavaged rabbits, manifestations of lung injury (i.e., hyaline membranes, neutrophil infiltration, and impaired gas exchange) originally attributed to

mechanical disruption by conventional mechanical ventilation, were found to be almost completely abrogated in granulocyte-depleted rabbits (10). In normal rabbits subjected to

saline lavage, injurious mechanical ventilation was shown to

significantly increase lung neutrophil accumulation and chemiluminescence (an indicator of neutrophil priming) (11, 12), as

well as bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) levels of inflammatory

mediators (platelet activating factor and thromboxane-B2 [13])

and expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) by alveolar macrophages (14). Similarly, in rat lungs ventilated ex

vivo increased BAL concentrations of a number of cytokines

(including TNF-a and interleukin-1b [IL-1b]) were found following injurious mechanical ventilation with low end-expiratory

lung volumes allowing tidal alveolar reopening and collapse

with each breath (15). The su